Featured components
Whether it's a countdown timer or a map with markers. A wysiwyg editor or rendering Markdown. We offer components for a wide range of use cases.
- Countdown Timer
- Add a countdown timer for your specified DateTime instance. Modify the look and feel using Blade 's power slotted components feature.
- Wysiwyg
- Want a rich text editor or a Markdown editor? We 've got you covered. Blade UI Kit ships with components for the Trix and EasyMDE editors.
- Mapbox
- Blade UI Kit comes with a map component out of the box (see what we did there?). Easily integrate a map into your app and add some markers to it.
You 're in full control
Blade UI Kit aims at providing the best possible developer experience. We want you to be in control. Publish, extend and modify all components at will.
- Plug-and-play
- Install the package and immediately start using the components. Most components come ready out-of-the box, saving you time figuring out how to install them.
- Extend or publish
- Component classes can be easily extended and all of the component views can be published, allowing you to go pretty far in terms of customizing them.